Deficiency of Minerals

Components of Food III - Concepts
Class - 6th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Deficiency of Minerals

Minerals : Minerals are nutrients that contain certain elements. All of them perform particular function in the body.They are required by our body in very small amount.Their deficiency also cause deficiency diseases.

Deficiency of Minerals:

   Minerals and sources


  Deficiency disease



Sources: milk and green leafy vegetables

Strengthens bones and teeth and helps in clotting of blood

Osteoporosis in adults rickets in chicken

Brittle bones; excessive bleeding; stunted growth; weak teeth and bones


Sources: cereals, pulses, meat and green leafy vegetables

Strengthens bones and teeth

Rickets in children

Weakening of bones; poor development of bones and nervous system; mental retardation; retarded growth; loss of weight


Sources: cereals, pulses, meat and green leafy vegetables

Helps in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells


Pale body colour; body fatigue; white nails; loss of weight swelling in hands and feet


Sources: fish and salt

Required for proper working of the thyroid gland


Enlargement of the thyroid gland; mental retardation; retarded growth

   Sodium and potassium

Sources: salt and most food items

Help in maintain body’s water balance

Body and muscle weakness paralysis

General weakness; dehydration


Sources: green leafy vegetables, cereals, chicken and fish

Regulates the functioning of muscles and nerves

Weak muscles and nerves

Loss of appetite upset stomach sleeplessness

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Some minerals and their deficiency  diseases are given below. Select the incorrect match.

A Iron- Anaemia

B calcium- Rickets

C iodine-Goitre

D phosphorus-Marasmus

E  Fluorine-Muscle cramps

F  Manganese- Osteoporosis

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Deficiency of iodine causes _______________________ .

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Swollen glands in neck, Mental disability in children are the symptoms of deficiency of a minerals which is present in ________________ .

Right Option : A
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